My 2023 Journey. Challenges, Tech and Growth

My 2023 Journey. Challenges, Tech and Growth

As I pause to reflect on the past year, I’m both humbled and invigorated by the experiences and challenges I’ve encountered. In the realm of technology, my journey at TME marked a significant shift from my prior DevOps and Cloud Engineering roles, pivoting towards a more back-end-oriented position. This transition opened up new horizons for me, particularly in embracing new technologies and methodologies.

👨💻 Tech Highlights Link to heading

  • Diving into Node.js & Express Framework: For the first time, I had the opportunity to work with Node.js and Express Framework. This was a thrilling leap into new programming languages, enriching my tech repertoire.
  • Raising the Bar for Code Quality: An essential client requirement was rigorous testing (unit, integration) with over 80% code coverage. This led to an intense focus on ensuring the quality and reliability of our code.
  • Innovating for Better Outcomes: I learned quickly that more than adhering strictly to Express Routers documentation was needed. To improve modularity and testability, I initiated the development of a Simple DI Container.
  • Embracing Test-Driven Development: I advocate for TDD, not just as a practice but as a mindset. It compels engineers to consider the cohesion of their code (Single Responsibility Principle) and refactor for testability, going beyond the mere passing of tests.
  • Learning from Challenges: We experienced the “spaghetti code effect” in a project where tests were written retroactively. This reinforced my belief in the efficiency of TDD from the project’s onset.
  • Beyond Coding: My role transcended coding; I was instrumental in the seamless integration of back-end services with the overall system architecture.
  • Knowledge Sharing: I created approximately 50 Confluence pages encompassing technical documentation, developers’ handbooks, guides, and best practices.
  • Mentoring and Standards: I established Code Review Guidelines and Standards and mentored junior developers.
  • Robust Contributions: My contributions spanned a dozen different Git repositories, with around 700 contributions. Roughly 400,000 lines were added and deleted (excluding machine-generated and lock files).
  • Contract Closure: Although my contract was terminated prematurely due to budget cuts, this experience has only fueled my passion and readiness for future opportunities.

👣 Personal Journey Link to heading

  • Overcoming Business Challenges: The year also brought some tough lessons. Our family business had to close due to insufficient profitability, a stark reminder of the unpredictable nature of entrepreneurship.
  • Digital Detox: In a significant lifestyle change, I closed my Facebook and Instagram accounts, stepping away from the constant noise of social media.
  • Healthier Choices: I’ve completed nine months without alcohol, a personal milestone in pursuing a healthier lifestyle.

📆 Open for Opportunities Link to heading

I am eagerly looking forward to engaging in new challenges as a Freelance Cloud Native Engineer starting from February 5, 2024.

As I stand at the crossroads of endings and new beginnings, I am grateful for the lessons learned and excited for the uncharted paths ahead. I welcome connections, opportunities, and collaborations as I embark on this next chapter of my journey. Here’s to a year of growth, learning, and new adventures! 🌟